Shine Brighter
As we look toward the future, UCI is tackling the world’s great challenges and serving our community in truly meaningful ways. An anchoring institution of Orange County, UCI is a powerhouse of groundbreaking research and discovery – actively partnering with community and business leaders to enhance lives and make a difference. We envision a world where society is enriched by the cultural hub of art, science and learning only possible at a public university; where the economic structure of Southern California explodes with opportunity as UCI innovation meets industry; and where humanity is changed for the better by the brilliant ideas and work produced at UCI.

Brilliant Future: The Campaign
Our visionary founders looked out across the empty rolling hills of the Irvine Ranch and saw a great public research university, teaching California’s most promising students, driving economic growth and technical innovation, inspiring and leading the development of one of the most vibrant and thriving regions in the nation. Today, UCI has done all that, and more. But it’s not finished. The same bold spirit that animated our founders inspires us today as we strive to expand opportunity, advance health and wellness, increase our knowledge and insight, and make a better world.

Strategic Plan
UCI’s strategic plan sets forth an ambitious path to reach new heights of excellence and social impact. Based on four pillars, we have a clear direction into the foreseeable future that echoes the promise of our university’s founding mission. We will mobilize knowledge, we will serve the people, and we will educate the best and brightest.

UCI Health Affairs
As the only university-based health system in Orange County, we are creating the future of healthcare—interprofessional, whole-person, precision-driven and community serving by a diverse healthcare workforce. With our unique combination of research, patient care and training, we make discoveries and innovations to advance healthcare and improve patients’ quality of life.
Principles of Community
UCI is a multicultural community of people from diverse backgrounds. We are enriched by our mutual respect for one another, and we strive to learn from our differences in an atmosphere of positive engagement. Universities exist to provide the conditions for hard thought and difficult debate so that individuals can develop the capacity for independent judgment. For that reason, tolerance, civility and respect for diversity of background, gender, ethnicity, race, religion, political beliefs, sexual orientation and physical abilities are crucially important for our campus community to thrive.

UC National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement
Visit website: UC National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement
University of California's Mission
At the core of the University of California's mission are three imperatives: research, education and public service. These principles are reflected in our pursuit of academic excellence, cutting-edge research, and leadership and character development.