August 8, 2019
Leadership Change at Medical Center
I regret to announce that Rick Gannotta, CEO of the UCI Health System, has accepted an exciting offer to become chief healthcare administrative officer at Masimo Corp., a leading medical technology company with close ties to our UCI community. His last day with UCI will be Sept. 30.
While we are disappointed to lose Rick, we know that this opportunity was too good for him to pass up.
Rick has made valuable contributions to the UCI Health System from the moment he arrived two and a half years ago. Under his tenure, the health system’s financial results, patient services, and quality and safety metrics have improved across the board. We will miss his engaging and on-the-move leadership style, with his frequent participation in hospital rounds, staff engagement events and the daily life of the medical center.
I am grateful for Rick’s willingness to stay on board for several weeks to ensure a smooth transition. Vice Chancellor Steve Goldstein and I are currently working together to find an interim CEO to serve until a permanent replacement is hired. We expect to appoint the interim CEO before Rick’s departure.
As a result of Rick’s leadership, the UCI Health System is strongly positioned for important and ongoing expansions in its clinical enterprise, allowing us to better serve even more of our friends and neighbors throughout Orange County. We remain fully committed to the growth and quality initiatives that are currently in place. New facility construction will stay on track, our quality and patient services will continuously improve, and we will sustain our vital role as the region’s recognized leader in groundbreaking, lifesaving healthcare research and treatment.
On a personal note, it has been a pleasure to work with Rick over the past few years. While I will miss our partnership and frequent interactions, I am glad to know that he will be nearby and staying in touch. I am extremely happy for him and wish him every success in his next chapter.
Please join me in thanking Rick for all he has done and wishing him well in this new venture.
Chancellor Howard Gillman