November 1, 2018

Be Sure to Vote

The election is fast upon us. This coming Tuesday, November 6, is the only day for voting at a polling place and the last day that mail ballots will be accepted.

This election involves much more than choosing our national and local leaders. There are issues on the ballot that affect each one of us here at UCI. All the propositions and candidates on the ballot deserve your careful consideration.

At UCI we have five polling sites on campus making voting accessible to those living on or near campus. For residents of Orange County, visit the OC Registrar of Voters’ website or call (714) 567-7600 to locate your polling site. Additional voting information can be found online from the California Secretary of State.

It is important that you cast your vote. If you are voting by mail, take a moment today and fill out and mail your ballot. All mail ballots must be postmarked on or before November 6 and received by November 9. If you don’t think your mail ballot will arrive in time, you can always drop it off at any polling place or the county election office on Tuesday. If you are voting in person on Tuesday, make sure you make time in your schedule to stop by your polling place. Polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Every vote counts! Join me in voting on November 6.

Chancellor Howard Gillman