May 26, 2017
UCI Named No. 1 College Doing the Most for the American Dream
To the Anteater community:
I am tremendously proud to share with you that UCI is once again No. 1 on The New York Times’ College Access Index, recognizing the U.S. universities “doing the most for the American dream.” The ranking answers a vitally important question: Which of America’s colleges and universities provide the best access, opportunities and outcomes for low- and middle-income students. This is the second time UCI has been named the top institution in the College Access Index. You can view our Storify page for a collection of social media postings about the news.
As I wrote in a recent editorial, “Elite universities should examine their role in the country’s deepening economic divide and take steps to address the disparities” so that they can become “the engines of social mobility they were meant to be.”
UCI continues to be revered as the leading U.S. campus providing access to all qualified students, no matter what their background. Topping The New York Times’ list is a sound reminder that UCI is fulfilling its promise to offer California’s brightest young people a world-class education and the opportunity to pursue the lives they want to lead as productive and informed citizens.
This ranking is the latest in a landmark year of achievement for the Anteater family, from being named the ninth-best public university in America by U.S. News & World Report to inclusion among Forbes’ 10 Best Value Colleges.
Please join me in spreading the word and celebrating UCI’s success.
Fiat Lux,
Chancellor Howard Gillman