October 8, 2015
Sex Offense Policy
To the Anteater community:
The University of California, Irvine is committed to creating and maintaining an environment in which all persons who live, work and learn here can be free of all sex offenses, including sexual assault, sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and retaliation.
UCI has a policy (UCI Guidelines for Reporting and Responding to Reports of Sex Offenses) that prohibits sex offenses and provides information to faculty, staff and students on how to respond when they learn of a sex offense.
It’s On Us, all of us, to engage as active bystanders to prevent sex offenses in our community and to report sex offenses to the Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity (OEOD) when they occur. Reporting ensures that those affected by sex offenses can learn about their rights and options and be given access to all the assistance and support services available. The UCI sex offense information website informs the campus community about how the university works to prevent sex offenses; how the university will respond once it becomes aware of a sex offense; and the many resources in place for those who have been affected by sex offenses.
Reports of sex offenses should be made as soon as possible to the OEOD; it should be noted that supervisors and faculty are required by the policy to report sex offenses to the OEOD. Additionally, the UCI Police Department can assist with emergency situations and criminal complaints, and the Campus Assault Resources & Education office can provide confidential assistance and information.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the policy or your responsibility to report, please contact the OEOD at 949-824-5594, at oeod@uci.edu, or in Room 103 of the Multipurpose Science & Technology Building.
Please join me in pledging to end sexual violence in our community.
Chancellor Howard Gillman